That has prompted us to put this together, to make users understand the many BB subscriptions on Glo and which one will be suitable to their needs.
So here are all Glo BlackBerry subscription plans and how to subscribe to each of them:
TypePlanCodeRentalValidityData capBISBIS MonthBISmonth1500 Naira30 Days3 GBBIS WEEKBISweek500 Naira7 Days700 MBCOMPLETECOMPLETE MONTHComonth1000 Naira30 Days3 GBCOMPLETE WEEKCoweek400 Naira7 Days700 MBSOCIALSOCIAL MONTHSoMonth1,200 Naira30 Days3 GBSOCIAL WEEKSoWeek400 Naira7 Days700 MBBESBES MONTHBesmonth4200 Naira30 Days3 GBBES WEEKBesweek1400 Naira7 Days700 MBABSOLUTEABSOLUTE MONTHBBAmonth1500 Naira30 Days3 GBABSOLUTE WEEKBBAweek500 Naira7 Days700 MB
To subscribe to a plan, text the appropriate code of the plan to 777.
Example: If you want to subscribe to BIS Week (the validity of this plan is 1 week as shown in the table), text BISweek to 777. N500 will be deducted from your balance and you’ll be subscribed to BISweek. You many have to restart your device to get the plan to effect.
To check the data balance and validity of your Glo BB subscription, text STATUS to 777.
For more information or diagnostics, text HELP to 777 from your Glo mobile phone. Users on other networks can send to 0807 987 7777 to get help and information.
To understand the categories of Glo BB subscription packages:
CategoryFeaturesBISBBM + BBMail + BB-Built Social Networking & IM Apps + Internet Browsing + App World + Option for 10 integrated email addressCOMPLETEBBM + BBMail + BB-Built Social Networking & IM Apps + Internet Browsing + App World + Option for 1 integrated email addressSOCIALBBM + BBMail + BB-Built Social Networking Apps + Internet Browsing + App WorldBESBBM + BBMail + BB-Built Social Networking & IM Apps + Internet Browsing + App World + Option for 10 integrated email address + Access to Enterprise ServerABSOLUTEBBM + BBMail + BB-Built Social Networking & IM Apps + Internet Browsing + App World + Option for 10 integrated email address + BlackBerry Protect
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